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Un établissement au regard porté sur l’élève


Samedi 12 octobre 2024 de 9h30 à 12h30

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New partnership with an American High School

Actus - Lycée - Juin 2019

This year, Saint Joseph du Loquidy had a new opportunity to create a partnership with an American High School located in the eastern part of the US, one hour drive from Boston, Massachusetts.

The first part of this new exchange program occured in May 2019. We were delighted to welcome our American partners. French 10th and 11th graders from « euro maths » section hosted 11 students from Winchendon School.
Americans have spent 5 days in Nantes and 5 days in Paris as part of their « Colab » program focused on foreign languages and culture. Basically, American students are themselves involved in the organization of this trip. Their stay in Nantes was definitely intense discovering the city, the area and the daily life of a French family. Moreover, they could attend some English classes and prepare oral presentations of their school and projects with a quizz and prizes for our French students.
As the second part of this exchange will come soon now, both schools are really motivated and we look forward to connecting once again. Indeed, in October 2019, 16 French students will visit Boston and New York City in return.
A great experience, that is for sure!

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